So, you wanna be a FAANG Engineer — Intro

Plant A Forest
2 min readJan 3, 2021


For the Cantonese version:

Alright, you have a dream. You want to become an engineer at a giant tech company. Money, stock option, Prestigious, proof yourself, whatever reasons, it doesn’t really matter. All I know is, there are thousands of people applied the same position as you did and you wanted to win it. For someone who was a semi-international student that ended up to become a FAANG engineer and passed their interview more than 2 times, I think my experience would be very attractive and valuable as I know all the shortcuts that might help you to become a FAANG engineer. However, I would not share or leak any interview questions and teach you how to write code. There are thousands of books and known platform like leetcode for you to practice. I am just going to share you my previous learning/career timeline. Simply saying, what will I do if I have to restart my career and utilize all the shortcuts I can provide here.

  • Intro + company culture
  • High School (US or international student)
  • Community College and College
  • Internship
  • Fresh Graduate/Grad school
  • Apply FAANG after several years
  • Promotion/Transfer to different position

Company Culture and clean some rumors

1. Yes, salary range, you can go to

It is quite accurate. It is base + bonus + stock. It don’t understand why people count sign-on bonus as the total compensation, it is just for first year, it is giving you bias in my opinion.

2. F and G have shuttles for employee, you pretty much don’t need to drive to office.

3. Free food for F and G, A doesn’t have free food.

4. According to my pharmacist friend, F and G provide the best of the best insurance plan. A is just so-so.

5 F/G provide Free gym, but not free for Personal trainer.

6. G has swimming pool.

7. Most of the people said food from F is better than G. I do agree for US office.

I will try to update more later on.

Of course, I won’t lock this intro, but rest of the content will be members only.

